Ansari Salman

| App Development | Web Developement | Cricket | Gamming | Gym |

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My Name is Ansari Salman.I am a BCS Student graduate from M S G College of Malegaon. However, I have learned Programming Language on my own.I'm passionate about coding In my final year I have made web app project on Bus reservation system I have one year of experience in Android app Developement and Built many webview apps and published it on Google Play Store. Now I am focused on App Development.

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Urdu City India News App

The Urdu City India is dynamic online web portal and App. We work on the principles of unbiased media Services to provide information pertaining to current and international scenarios, social, environmental sports and Educational information

Technologies uses:

Wordpress-RestApi,Retrofit2,MVVM pattern,DataBinding,Room Database

urdu city

Bus Reservation System

This is a Web app project.PHP and MySQL is used for backend which runs on apache server. We have developed this project for automating the process of Bus Reservation System.

bus reservation

Technical Skills